Our Blog

Check out some articles and posts from Amrita Virtual Academy!

The Art of Natural Plant Dyeing

With a heart full of gratitude, I would like to share my journey into natural dyeing with you. I have been doing seva (selfless service) in the textile department in Amritapuri since 2012. Natural dyeing came to me and opened up a world of beauty and wonder. Growing...

Turtle Barn Organic Farm: Series #1

Anaswara shares her gardening journey: From Houseplant Defeat to U-Pick Farm Victory I am grateful for the opportunity to share about my 50 year gardening journey with you. It culminated in the creation of Turtle Barn Organic Picking Farm. My journey began in my 20’s...

What Happens When It Leaves the Curb?

What Happens When It Leaves the Curb?

Ever wondered what happens to your recycling once it leaves the curb? Neither did I until March of 2017 when my waste management facility informed me I could no longer recycle most plastics because China wasn’t taking them anymore. It was a huge wake-up call. I hadn’t...

Communicating With Nature

Communicating With Nature

Om Amriteswaryai Namah As part of our blog series on communicating with Nature, I thought I would share with you an extraordinary experience I had talking with a tree a few years ago. I have always had a strong relationship with trees, as a young girl I would spend...

The Language of Love

The Language of Love

Amma’s love for mankind expresses itself in everything she does, both tangibly and intangibly. During the pandemic when so many devotees could not be in Amma’s physical presence, among other things, Amma offered them the gift of Amrita Virtual Academy, through which...

The Mother in Nature

The Mother in Nature

Recently, I noticed that one of our small rudraksha trees had vines growing on it. So I went over to the tree and started to remove the vine. At first I was feeling rushed and anxious to remove the vine and I was just trying to get the job done. But then I remembered...


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